Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular proofreading tutorial-videos:
  • 18. 18. Copying & Proofreading
    5m 42s
    The Orchestral Sessions 102
    Prep, Notation, and Parts
    So you recorded your MIDI score and can't wait to hear it played by a live orchestra. What's the next step? Join music composer Olajide Paris in this new updated course, and learn how to transform your MIDI data into a full score.
  • 22. 22. Spell Checker
    4m 21s
    InDesign CC & CS6 104
    Working With Text
    Working with text and type is an essential skill that all designers must have! Accompany Adobe Certified Instructor Mark Gatter on this 24 tutorial course on Working with Text in InDesign...
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