Sound of Sine wrote on June 16, 2016
I've owned Guitar Rig for a number of years now as part of the Komplete collection, but never had the chance to get into and use it. After watching this tutorial I see now what I've been missing out on. Personally for me I've now got a another powerful sound design tool at my disposal and have started imaging possible ways to design my sounds with the extensive tools that GR has to offer. Covers much more too.
Ru Binkis wrote on June 22, 2015
Definite eye-opener for using Guitar Rig as an effects system for alternate sound sources... great course.
guitartoys wrote on March 16, 2015
The beginning really feels like a commercial for Guitar Rig put out by the company. Then it goes into pitching how wonderful all of the paid for add ins are. But once you got past that, it had some good information.
Paul wrote on February 23, 2015
Another excellent course by Mo Volans this time demonstrating the flexibility of Native Instruments Guitar Rig.
I really like Mo's tutorials, he not only teaches the theory but gets also your mind working and the creative juices flowing!
Dell LIttle wrote on January 24, 2015
This opened some windows to all the "tools" of G. Rig. Would like to see this to different styles of music. BTW. a few VO pickups were left unedited. But no big deal.
David wrote on February 28, 2014
Another great tutorial,by Mo.
I have a few of his courses,and Mo's easy going style and vast knowledge ,is unique.
This course shows you how useful and powerful Guitar rig is,not just for Guitars,but a whole wide range of instruments,vocals,etc,etc.
This is another cracking tutorial,packed with content.
I cannot wait to use Guitar rig,and its components in my work.
Wibbers wrote on June 25, 2013
Perhaps an unusual choice for a tutorial, but good in that it looks at things in a different way, using Guitar Rig effects on non-guitar sound sources in a mix.
guitar ted wrote on May 21, 2013
I have owned this software for about a year & have learned more about the plugins function & intuitive ways to use it than I ever would have on my own.thank you
T2C Scott wrote on May 15, 2013
Great Tutorial!..I didnt even know that you could use "Guitar Rig" as a effect processor for your vocal & plugins or that it had channel strip capability. I got some good tips from this Tutorial
Miniguitarhero wrote on May 1, 2013
If you are a guitarist or you are used to work with NI Guitar Rig 5, this tutorial shows you how to use this plugin in other fields. Useful!