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Photography 201 - Advanced Digital Photography.
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  • 1

    In the "Rule of Thirds", when two grid lines intersect this is referred to as a ..... (choose the correct answer).

  • 2

    'SVM' is short for which of the following?

  • 3

    A 'Prime' lens can zoom between different focal distances. True or False?

  • 4

    The Aperture of a lens is measured in F-Stops? True or False?

  • 5

    Which one of the following should you NOT do when maintaining your camera lenses?

  • 6

    In sports and action photography, keeping track of your aperture is important because...

  • 7

    Which lens is characterised by the following photographic effect: super-wide angle with round edges?

  • 8

    Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of a 'Prime' Lens?

  • 9

    The rule of thirds divides up the image into thirds....

  • 10

    Shooting a lower ISO number will typically work well outdoors in bright sunlight.

  • 11

    A lens with a wide Aperture is also known as a...

  • 12

    What is the name of a compact version of a 'Prime' Lens?

  • 13

    When adjusting and making the shutter speed faster, the aperture will typically...

  • 14

    When shooting portraits, you will always want the fastest shutter speed you can get. True or false?

  • 15

    A 'Zoom' Lens is also known as a...

Photography 201
Advanced Digital Photography
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