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MPC 201 - MPC Standalone Workflow Guide.
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  • 1

    To set up Send FX in the MPC you have to place the effect you want to use on a _____________.

  • 2

    How many audio tracks are available on the MPC?

  • 3

    Pad Perform not only allow you to set your pads to a specific key but also allows you to play a chord with a single pad. True or false?

  • 4

    The MPC can control external instruments via MIDI or _______

  • 5

    The MPC can export a stereo mix and exploded tracks audio at the same time. True or false?

  • 6

    The MPC X, Live II, and One have the ability to expand their I/0 via a class compliant audio interface up to __________ inputs and outputs.

  • 7

    Which option is not available as part of the Drum Synth?

  • 8

    You can not create swing and shuffle when using the Step Sequencer. True or false?

  • 9

    Double tapping the play button stops long samples from playing when sequencer is stopped. True or false?

  • 10

    Multi-Timbral instruments can play up to ___ different instruments on one MIDI connection.

MPC 201
MPC Standalone Workflow Guide
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