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Final Cut Pro for iPad - 100 - Introducing Final Cut Pro for iPad.
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  • 1

    What's the name of the main color correction tool here?

  • 2

    Can you move a Final Cut Pro edit from Mac to iPad?

  • 3

    How many angles are possible in multicam?

  • 4

    Which command always adds a clip to the end of the timeline?

  • 5

    Why it it worth marking favorites and keywords?

  • 6

    Can you import direct from an media card or SSD?

  • 7

    Can you move the jog wheel around?

  • 8

    Which of these codecs makes the biggest file?

  • 9

    What does pinching your fingers in the Viewer do?

  • 10

    FCP X for iPad is exactly the same as FCP X for macOS. True or false?

  • 11

    What's the name of the edit where the audio starts before the video?

  • 12

    Can you change the color of a pencil stroke?

  • 13

    How can you clone yourself twice in the same shot?

Final Cut Pro for iPad - 100
Introducing Final Cut Pro for iPad
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