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FL Studio 104 - Mixing and Automation.
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  • 1

    Right-Clicking a parameter reveals the ‘Create Automation Clip' option. True or false?

  • 2

    Instead of Threshold, what parameter is available on a Limiter?

  • 3

    Where can you find the ‘Last Tweaked' option?

  • 4

    RMS stands for...

  • 5

    Mixer Track States can also be referred to...

  • 6

    How many bands does Parametric EQ 2 have?

  • 7

    Compare lets you alternate between different settings for the EQ. True or false?

  • 8

    Link to Controller can let multiple parameters be controlled by one automation clip. True or false?

  • 9

    What does the Modulation section on the Delay 3 affect?

  • 10

    Turning the Stereo Sep knob to the right will decrease the stereo separation. True or false?

  • 11

    What does EF Stand for?

  • 12

    How do you call a Mixer Channel in FL Studio?

  • 13

    Option-clicking a Mute button (Alt-click on PC) will solo the track and all tracks routed to and from it. True or false?

  • 14

    Make Unique will make the automation clip unique and any changes made to it will not affect the other clips. True or false?

  • 15

    Which Plugin also has a compressor mode?

  • 16

    How many bands does the built-in track EQ have?

  • 17

    Command+Click on the Mute button on a track will do what?

  • 18

    Which distortion is best for a subtle effect?

  • 19

    A Noise Gate can be used to remove soft signals in a track. True or false?

FL Studio 104
Mixing and Automation
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