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Final Cut Pro 303 - More Michael Wohl Final Cut Pro Tips.
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  • 1

    Which clips does an effect applied to an Adjustment Layer impact?

  • 2

    Why might you show multiple keyframe graphs at the same time?

  • 3

    Does Final Cut Pro support Photoshop layers?

  • 4

    Are there shortcuts to switch between various video scopes?

  • 5

    Does Final Cut have built-in Alignment tools?

  • 6

    Which method of audio changes retains keyframes?

  • 7

    What is the advantage to "disabling" a selected range rather than "silencing" it.

  • 8

    How do you access the Channel Equalizer interface?

  • 9

    Clicking the Color Inspector creates what type of Color Correction?

  • 10

    Where in Final Cut Pro do Generators created in Motion appear?

  • 11

    Which command allows you to choose which effects are copied?

  • 12

    What is dual system recording?

  • 13

    Can keyframes be pasted from one paramter to any other parameter?

  • 14

    When parked on a keyframe, pressing Control-+ has what effect?

  • 15

    White balance is an effect that can be applied to a clip from the Effects Browser. True or false?

  • 16

    Can you apply a color correction from a clip three clips prior to the selected clip?

  • 17

    In which window or pane can you listen to individual audio tracks?

  • 18

    What effects are disabled when you choose the Toggle Color Correction Effects command?

Final Cut Pro 303
More Michael Wohl Final Cut Pro Tips
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