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Cubase 10 105 - Mastering Essentials.
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  • 1

    Which button would you press on the Vintage Compressor to get more attack transients?

  • 2

    What are the three essential mastering tools?

  • 3

    What Project window feature must be used to export multiple songs in one action?

  • 4

    Which control allows you to edit the Q-factor of an EQ node?

  • 5

    Which button makes the Brickwall Limiter unique among the Cubase limiters?

  • 6

    What is the ideal position of the master fader prior to exporting?

  • 7

    Which classic compressor is the Vintage Compressor modeled after?

  • 8

    Which button would you click to restart the analysis of integrated loudness?

  • 9

    Changing things like the levels of instruments tracks are a mastering issue. True or false?

  • 10

    Which of these file types is not a compressed format?

  • 11

    Which Maximizer mode allows you to add more level than the other?

  • 12

    Smoothing the levels of attack transients is a job of the compressor. True or false?

  • 13

    Which common commands are used to copy and paste channel settings?

  • 14

    What are the correct bit depth and sample rate settings when exporting to audio CD?

  • 15

    Who mastered both the RUSH and Gary Clark Jr. songs?

  • 16

    For large amounts of EQ boost, which setting should you enable?

  • 17

    What effect does Magneto II emulate?

  • 18

    What is the term for mixing compressed and uncompressed signals?

  • 19

    By how many LUFS can the Limiter increase loudness?

  • 20

    Which Multiband Compressor button would you click to audition a frequency band?

  • 21

    Where would you enter the data like song name, year, genre, etc.?

  • 22

    What Cubase meter measures the sound levels in LUFS?

  • 23

    Which control on the Tube Compressor would you turn up to add more tube saturation?

  • 24

    Cubase comes with several mastering limiters. True or false?

  • 25

    What provisions should be made in the Project window prior to performing an export?

Cubase 10 105
Mastering Essentials
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