Timo Preece –Certified Ableton Trainer, ProTools Expert– is an accomplished, innovative and highly versatile audio technologist, multi-media trainer, live performer and electronic musician.
Timo Preece
After spending spending several years working and performing in Tokyo, he landed back in San Francisco as the director for sound arts and music technology courses at Ex’pression College.

Ever the educator, Timo has developed curriculum for some of the most renowned audio training centers in the U.S. and is an AVID Protools Expert, a Certified Ableton LIVE trainer, and a specialist in most other professional digital audio workstations.

He consults, plays live electronics, does studio production, and has works with an extensive variety of amazing musicians, DJs, sound enthusiasts, and some world renown artists.

And now he rocks courses for us. Welcome to the the team Timo!

We selected Ableton Certified Trainer, TImo Preece, to create courses for our websites and our partner sites. He is an independent trainer who has completed the Ableton Live Certification process and is officially recognized by Ableton and us for his accomplishment. He is not an Ableton employee.
Courses by Timo Preece
  • iZotope RX 6 201
    Sound Designer's Toolbox
    iZotope RX 6 is one of the most powerful audio restoration software available, but did you know it's also an amazing tool for sound designers? In this course, sound design expert Timo Preece thinks outside the box and shows you how to unleash your creativity with iZotope RX.
  • Ableton Live FastTrack 301
    Ableton Certified trainer Timo Preece is onboard to share his valuable workflows and production tips for Live's saturation and distortion FX. Learn how to harness the power of these FX in this 15-tutorial FastTrack™ in-action course.
  • Building Live Performance Setup
    Strategies for Building a Live Performance Setup
    Learn key concepts and practices for building and maintaining Live performance setups.
  • Sound Design 102
    Capturing the Sound of Berlin
    Join sound designer Timo Preece as he sonically explores Berlin's abandoned structures while recording a plethora of unique sounds. Then, see how he transforms the audio in his DAW as builds an amazing sound library!
  • Live 9 402
    Killer Sound Design
    Sound designers can create any sonic FX and audio worlds that they can imagine. See the art and science of how sounds are designed, constructed and produced in this Ableton Live-based course by Certified Trainer Timo Preece...
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