Mr. Greg wrote on March 21, 2019
Concise and good pace. Favorited a couple of videos.
Robert wrote on November 5, 2017
This course and instructor are amazing. Joe's didactic style suits the content, laden with fundamental concepts and applications, perfectly. I highly recommend this course to anyone new to audio or looking to fine tune and expand their knowledge base and skills.
B. Bruce wrote on January 18, 2017
A great course with a lot of concepts that could use their own courses! A lot of great insight into some of the meatier aspects of engineering, much of it easy to grasp and a great precursor to the next set of Audio Concepts tutorials.
Mike Henebry wrote on March 1, 2016
Another superb course in this series! The subject matter is covered thoroughly and succinctly. The dialog is not improvised (thereby wasting your time), but it doesn't sound like a school kid reading from a script either. The narrator sounds like he knows what he is talking about, cares about his craft and does a great job of "teaching." What else could you ask for? Okay, sure, Scarlett Johansen, but then would you learn anything?
J Rive wrote on September 11, 2015
Great Course! Beginners and Advancers; Fundamentals are key with dealing with audio in any field so, I recommend this to anyone in the audio world.
Frederico Freitas wrote on April 26, 2015
this series of courses is amazing! I'm happy there is information like this on the internet nowadays; concise, clear courses like this one just makes you want to learn more. there you go Joe Albano and MacProVideo team! greetings from Brazil.
n4Sphere wrote on March 28, 2015
That's how it should be down. Excellent explanations of EQs, compressors and mixing. Nice examples and good overall structure. First theoretical background then in use practicing. "Thumbs up"
Hindie wrote on March 25, 2015
Simple but essencial information. If you want to work with audio, all this knowledge is fundamental. Well structured course. Thank you.
A Spooner wrote on March 9, 2015
A lot of things fell into place after watching this course. The delivery was great and the examples were clear and went into really good detail. Highly recommended.
I took one star off because I found the volume of some examples was very low compared to the voiceover volume - particularly in the compression tutorials - making it difficult to monitor the outcomes.
Narni123 wrote on February 21, 2015
This course was very useful. It really make it easy to understand levels, pan, EQ and compressors, what they are, how they work and how to use them in context. I also like the visuals, it really simplify things. Good job!