Here’s a selection of Ask.Video’s most popular theater tutorial-videos:
  • 6. 06. Underpromise & Overdeliver
    3m 0s
    Film Craft 101
    The Producer
    In this exclusive Film Craft course you learn the producer's leadership role from initial idea to final release. Master the craft of being a producer from award-winning filmmaker and renowned educator Michael Wohl!
  • 28. 28. Sharing via Email
    2m 32s
    iMovie 103
    Trimming, Titles, Transitions & Trailers
    In this iMovie course, Michael Wohl focusses on the techniques that give "your" iMovie that professional, refined look and feel. See how to fine tune, polish and add those finishing touches to add pizzazz your production.
  • 22. 22. Publishing to the Theater
    2m 16s
    iMovie 102
    Story Telling and Editing
    Movie makers are, at their core, storytellers. In this iMovie course by Michael Wohl, you learn how to amp up YOUR storytelling technique using the new and powerful tools that come with Apple's iLife video editor: iMovie...
  • 1. 1. Course Intro
    1m 44s
    Push 201
    Jordan Rudess - Pushing The Limits!
    Ableton's Push is the most innovative new instrument to hit the market in years. So we decided to place one in the hands of the world's most innovative keyboard player: Jordan Rudess. See how Dream Theater's synth wizard pushes Push to the limit!
  • 1. 01. Introduction
    1m 33s
    Jordan Rudess
    Keyboard Wizdom
    Jordan Rudess, Dream Theater's master synthesist, is an internationally recognized keyboard wizard. Watch as Jordan demonstrates important keyboard warm-up and performance techniques!
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