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Elektron 203 - Octatrack MKII Advanced Sampling.
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  • 1

    True or False: Flex machines can record and loop audio in sync with the pattern

  • 2

    True or False: Each step in Octatracks sequencer is always a 1/16th note

  • 3

    True or False: Octatrack can timestretch samples

  • 4

    True or False: Pickup Machines can overdub audio into

  • 5

    True or False: It is possible to configure a blank project and save it as a template

  • 6

    True or False: THRU Machines need a trig to listen to incoming audio

  • 7

    True or False: With USB Mode, Octatrack shows up as an external hard drive when connected to a computer

  • 8

    True or False: Track 1 and Track 5 can't be Neighbor Machines

  • 9

    True or False: Octatrack has a Slice Trig Mode

  • 10

    True or False: The RATE parameter only controls the timestretch rate

  • 11

    True or False: The Trim and Edit pages have the same functionality

  • 12

    True or False: The only way to slice a sample is using a slice grid

  • 13

    True or False: Trig Conditions make sequencer trigs play at specific times

  • 14

    True or False: A Project is the top level of Octatrack's Hierarchy

  • 15

    True or False: The Octatrack has one pair of stereo inputs for sampling

  • 16

    True or False: Playback of a Pickup Machine can be quantized

  • 17

    True or False: Track 8 is always used as a Master track

  • 18

    True or False: Live Recording is always quantized

  • 19

    True or False: Static Machines loads samples into RAM

Elektron 203
Octatrack MKII Advanced Sampling
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