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Native Instruments 304 - Jeremy Ellis: Maschine Virtuosity.
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  • 1

    What is a flam?

  • 2

    What is the best way to lay out your pads?

  • 3

    How do you control the volume of the sample while playing?

  • 4

    Which knob browses through kits?

  • 5

    Which step would you choose to draw twice as many as 1/8 notes?

  • 6

    How do you control the volume and pan of each sound in the software?

  • 7

    Which company makes Maschine?

  • 8

    While holding Navigate, which two pads zoom in and out (in the Pattern editor)?

  • 9

    In the Sampling > Edit view, which knob alters the start of the sample?

  • 10

    Which knob zooms in the Sampling > Edit view?

  • 11

    While holding the navigate mode button, how do you access the parameters?

  • 12

    How do you browse group kits?

  • 13

    What's the best way to learn "Your Way" or your own technique with Maschine?

  • 14

    What is the best warm up rhythm?

  • 15

    How do you avoid having to hold the Pattern mode button?

Native Instruments 304
Jeremy Ellis: Maschine Virtuosity
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