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Keynote 101 - Keynote In Depth.
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  • 1

    Which of these transitions is simple and elegant?

  • 2

    Where can you change the number of columns in a text box?

  • 3

    What indicates that a collaborator has selected an item on a slide?

  • 4

    What key indents the current line?

  • 5

    What command resets the current slide to the master slide's defaults?

  • 6

    How do you connect two objects with a line?

  • 7

    Which area of the Inspector lets you rotate an image?

  • 8

    What's the default aspect ratio?

  • 9

    What mode disables the simple default movement between slides?

  • 10

    What control can you drag to automatically fill data below or to the right?

  • 11

    Can you drag and drop an image from the Finder to Keynote on iCloud.com?

  • 12

    Which famous film series features small silent moving images in newspapers, like movies in a Keynote?

  • 13

    What's the memorable acronym for the graphic design principles discussed here?

  • 14

    Can you drag and drop an image from the Finder?

  • 15

    Where can you change the appearance of a selected object?

  • 16

    What feature of Keynote on iPad is useful for adding natural media artwork to your presentation?

  • 17

    Is a chicken included in the shape gallery?

  • 18

    Which object animation can shake an object, to grab attention without moving it on or off the screen?

  • 19

    Can you use the 2D graphs for high-quality print work?

  • 20

    Can you use Keynote even if you don't have a Mac?

  • 21

    What key instantly hides the presentation and shows a black screen?

  • 22

    What video codecs can include transparency?

  • 23

    What still image format(s) can include transparency?

  • 24

    Can you work with Keynote on a PC?

  • 25

    How can you redefine a Paragraph Style to match the text settings of selected text?

Keynote 101
Keynote In Depth
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