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iMovie 101 - iMovie In Depth - iMovie 101 - iMovie In Depth.
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  • 1

    Ken Burns is automatically applied to photos you drop in the timeline. True or false?

  • 2

    Where is the plus sign located on a thumbnail clip to quickly add photos?

  • 3

    Which of these has a primary function of adjusting the bass/treble nature of a sound?

  • 4

    What shortcut can be used to split a clip into two clips?

  • 5

    iMovie for iOS is missing several tools from the desktop version. True or false?

  • 6

    Recording voice narration tracks overwrites the original audio by default. True or false?

  • 7

    Why might you NOT be able to add an audio clip to the timeline?

  • 8

    Which of these is NOT a transition?

  • 9

    Which of these is the highest in the hierarchy?

  • 10

    When sharing a video file, which of these would impact the size of the final product?

  • 11

    You can only use the precision editor between two raw clips (not on a transition). True or false?

  • 12

    How can you make slowed down video smoother?

  • 13

    You cannot change the titles on a trailer. True or false?

  • 14

    When does the overlay clip settings option show up in the toolbar?

  • 15

    What appears under a video file in your media library when you use a portion of that file in your timeline?

  • 16

    When you turn on video stabilization, the cropping of your video is affected. True or false?

  • 17

    You cannot adjust the volume of a clip in the timeline area. True or false?

  • 18

    Full screen playback is not possible in iMovie. True or false?

  • 19

    Which of these methods uses the cloud to synchronize files for sharing between macOS and iOS

  • 20

    Which can typically be used to import video from a camera?

  • 21

    Where would you look to record video from a webcam?

  • 22

    Backgrounds can be static like photos but also contain motion like videos. True or false?

  • 23

    When you detach an audio track from a clip, you can trim the audio separately from the video. True or false?

  • 24

    You can drag and drop video files directly into your timeline from the macOS Finder

  • 25

    When you choose a filter on the timeline, it only affects the selected clip in the timeline. True or false?

iMovie 101 - iMovie In Depth
iMovie 101 - iMovie In Depth
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