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Audio Concepts 107 - Analog Tape Recording.
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  • 1

    The long-time standard for professional multitrack tape recorders was...

  • 2

    Tape is pulled past the heads in the following order:

  • 3

    A trick to avoid tape breakage when fast-winding is...

  • 4

    Audio is stored on analog tape in the form of...

  • 5

    The first two steps of a tape alignment procedure are...

  • 6

    Tape is still desireable because...

  • 7

    Virtual tape refers to plug-ins that emulate the sound of tape. True or False?

  • 8

    MDMs-Modular Digital Multitracks, like ADAT...

  • 9

    For stereo tape recording, two tracks on quarter-inch tape is called...

  • 10

    The most common reel size for professional tape is...

  • 11

    With an analog tape recorder, varispeed...

  • 12

    Early methods of ADT (Artificial Double-Tracking)...

  • 13

    The two main steps of analog tape aligment are...

  • 14

    When playing a tape on an analog tape recorder, the tape moves...

  • 15

    As opposed to punches in a DAW, analog punches are...

  • 16

    "Rocking the reels" refers to...

  • 17

    Storing a tape tails out means...

  • 18

    It's useful to still be familiar with the ins & outs of analog tape because...

  • 19

    Tape noise-reduction systems were available from...

  • 20

    A common use of real tape in the DAW studio is...

Audio Concepts 107
Analog Tape Recording
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