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Ableton Live 12 401 - Ableton Live Playback Engineering.
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  • 1

    Using a setlist management program makes it a lot easier to plan a show set and remotely control it

  • 2

    If an entire section needs to be repeated, what menu option will let you repeat a selected section?

  • 3

    What is the DAW that is used in this course?

  • 4

    What is the feature in Ableton Live called that lets you create devices from scratch.

  • 5

    Where do you active outputs for your interface in Ableton Live?

  • 6

    Is it possible to insert an empty MIDI clip on a MIDI track?

  • 7

    Where is the Import Audio option in Live?

  • 8

    What EQ device in Live lets you disable an entire frequency range with one click?

  • 9

    Where is the Collect All & Save option in Live?

  • 10

    Pressing what key will open up the Automation View?

  • 11

    What is the key command on a Mac to activate the Loop Region feature?

  • 12

    Can a Live session have more than two return tracks?

  • 13

    What is the device that can be used to house click samples?

  • 14

    Where is the coloring option for MIDI clips in Live?

  • 15

    Command + E on a Mac can let you create an edit at the cursor locator on one or across multiple tracks

  • 16

    Is line check done before or after testing playback on a project file?

  • 17

    To remote control any interface element of Live, what needs to be activated in the MIDI preferences for the MIDI controller?

  • 18

    What company makes the Play Audio 12 audio interface?

  • 19

    What are the two main views in Ableton Live called?

  • 20

    Tapping the Tab key while renaming a clip will jump to rename the next clip on the track

  • 21

    What is a good EQ in Live to surgically equalize an audio part?

Ableton Live 12 401
Ableton Live Playback Engineering
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